Tuesday, December 14, 2021

I think my last blog post?

I think this is my last blog post because I am graduating from primary school.  The year has been great and my last year at primary went past with some bumps and troubles but we got through to the end of the year.  I really enjoyed my six years in the school and all the teachers have helped me to learn whats is right and they have also helped me to improve my studies. Overall I have had great primary years and I'm sure I'll make another blog post someday. :)

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

I made my own GIF

 Today Phil taught us how to make GIFs he challenged us to make the GIFs about a topic that we learnt  during class in Cybersmart I had lots of fun making this and I think it turned out well.

Monday, December 6, 2021

My weekend writing

 Today Mrs Ghosh told us to write about our weekends, she challenged us to only using  one hundred words  for our writing. I used a different selection of words for my writing, so you guys can check it out.

                                                  The writing

Friday, December 3, 2021

Almost the end of the year

This year I have had lots of fun, though I remained in the same class I figured that Mrs G was a great option to stay with. The year started off kind of interesting not going to lie it was pretty average though everyone's writing score was needing lots of improvement. On  term two we were given a second chance to try again on our writing where it was a great success. So we started term three but then we were hit with lockdown on the last few weeks which continued to term four and now we are at the end of the year. I think I have had lots of fun for the last year of primary. I have shared lots of laughs with everyone in the class and so it didn't really matter to me that I haven't been able to go on camp, after all 
I got to experience what learning is like in lockdown. Which I hope wouldn't happen again in the future but that's just a wish.

Thursday, December 2, 2021

My Egyptian Google colouring artwork.

 This week my cyber smart task was to colour a artwork using the google colouring site it was quite easy and fun so I enjoyed it.

Friday, November 26, 2021

How I keep myself hygenic

 On the first day back at school I decided to  keep myself clear of Covid 19  by washing my hands and sanitizing regularly. Every day I sanitize my hands a lot of times  and now I'm starting to think I might have to stop sanitizing so much since my hands are getting very dry. I like sanitizing because it gives me an excuse to make the class  smell like alcohol so shh don't tell anyone.

Monday, November 22, 2021

A little dead hedgehog on the road

 On the day I got my third Covid test I saw a hedgehog lying motionless in the middle of the road.  I walked pass it when suddenly I saw a truck, I shrieked at the though of the truck squashing it but luckily it barely missed the hedgehog. The next day the hedgehog was gone! I looked around but I guess it was taken away by the council.

Friday, November 19, 2021

Very bad Wifi

Recently the WiFi has been really bad. It's been very annoying because it takes a very long time to load a tab even if the WiFi says it is strong I think it is because too many people are on at once but when I'm at home it happens as well. This makes it hard to do work and meets but I can't help it so I guess my Chromebook is still going to be as slow as a snail.

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Some strange egg looking things on my door

 On my glass sliding front door there is a bunch of eggs? they are tiny and white and I'm literally so scared of bugs so um I don't know how to get rid of them. My dad who normally catches the bugs is in Taiwan and my mum and my sister are also scared of bugs. I'm guessing/hoping that the eggs are infertile because boy I don't want to know what will hatch out of the eggs like eww.   It is a bit blurry

Monday, November 15, 2021

My Solvemoji equation

 Today I made a slide full of solvemoij equations and I think it came out pretty well some questions might be a bit hard but feel free to write what you think the answers are in the comments.

Try them out

Friday, November 12, 2021

Schools opening

This week the government announced that we are going back to school I have mixed feelings about the fact but anyways. I don't want to go back to school I might sound babyish but it is true I like eating warm lunches instead of cold sandwiches and since when we are in school we won't be able to have the air conditioning on because of Covid. I will probably get a heat stroke with a mask on as well I want to stay at home and eat do work have the air con on and wake up late. 

I also want to go back to school so it is like half and half. I want to go back to school to graduate, to receive the awards that I worked hard for and to celebrate my birthday in peace outside of my home. 
I probably am going to school Idk but at least I can return my library books, they are probably long overdue.

Calling my dad that is in Taiwan

Yesterday my mum my sister and I called our dad to see how things were going in Taiwan we were talking to the Taiwanese family members and calling them random things like auntie, uncle or great aunt or something of that sort.

 When we started talking to one of my uncles (my dads cousin) he said I no longer looked  Taiwanese . I don't know if that is a insult or I just look different, Personally I don't think I look like I'm from Taiwan either considering the fact I have very tanned skin. 

Everyone's first impression of me is like I'm from south east Asia and not from Taiwan. To be honest some people I talk to, probably are just pretending they know Taiwan and go home and vigorously research where is Taiwan and what is Taiwan. I'm not really bothered by it because I don't really know anything about Taiwan except for the good food so whenever I visit I get fat. 

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Covid test number two?

 Yesterday I got a Covid swab again, we went to the swabbing drive-thru on Stanley street and drove in to the parking lot place. When we drove in to the place it was dark and covering the hot sweaty sun I wasn't as scared as last time because I knew the staff people were nice and willing to help. During my swab the lady was super nice and careful.  After we finished my swab I had come to a conclusion that the last swabbing nurse was a bit more gentle, though I liked both the nurses because I know they work very hard.

My math tasks

 For math we a learning geometry and we have been doing some transformations online here are my two different tasks. The first one is a reflection and the second one is all transformations. 

 1.       2.


Monday, November 8, 2021

The spider is gone!!

 If you weren't here last time, I had a spider in my room and it was right  above my head.  Back to the story. 

On Saturday I went in to my room to look at the clothes I was going to change in to, but I realised that the spider I talked about was gone which makes it even scarier not knowing where it might be.

 My first suspicions were that the spider was hiding under the pillows on the bed, but I was wrong, the only thing that was ever on the pillow was the small slug. 

I looked around my bedroom but the spider was gone maybe it had left the open window or wait is it on my head. I have no idea so I am kind of scared going in to the room and when I feel something on my leg or something floating around I have a weird instinct of hitting it maybe because there is a slight possibility that there is a spider crawling up it. 

I sometimes get confused why I'm scared because when I was little I had a spider crawl up my chin and I swiped it on to my sisters arm and she got mad at me. Can't blame her I also shot out of the room as fast as lightning.

Thursday, November 4, 2021

My writing prompt again

 Today I finally finished my writing task for this week which was a writing prompt it took me a long time and I finally finished it. 

                         Here is the link to check it out ---> Writing

The mysterious spider in my room

 A few days  ago I left the window in my room open which caused a lot of bugs to come in. The first thing that my sister spotted was a dead cockroach right on the ground she caused a ruckus so my mum came and picked it up with a tissue. After that my sister discovered a tiny slug on her pillow and then we moved out of the room.  The day after the incident I was working in the bug room when I realised that there was a tiny black spider on the ceiling. I thought nothing of it because it I thought it was dead because the spider wasn't moving. Today I looked up on the ceiling to find the spider had moved in the night, and it was moving closer and closer to the window. But my desk is right next to the window so it's basically right above my head  but if it dangles down on it's web it won't be above my head and instead on my head.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

My tree interview

 Last week for Halloween, one of our tasks was to make up a interview with a tree. After a week I finally finished my interview so I'm going to share it with you guys.

                                          The interview

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Lifting an old couch

 Yesterday me, my mum and my sister with our tenant,  carried out  a old dusty couch from downstairs to throw away.  We've had that couch for a very long time and have always wanted to throw it away. When we lifted the couch off the ground I didn't have something to grip on to so my fingernails started hurting.  My mum suggested that we rest in between carrying the couch to the front of our house.  What made it even harder was the fact that our driveway was quite steep and the side I was carrying made me have to walk backwards.  When we were putting down the couch to rest the second time, good thing our tenant told me to move my foot because it was right under the couch. When we finally got it to the front of the house I raced down the drive way and looked at the place where the couch was, there was very yucky looking black dirt and snails sticking to the wall. I hated looking at it so I ran upstairs and washed my hands.

Monday, November 1, 2021

my neighbors Halloween set up

 A few weeks before Halloween started my neighbors were already setting up their Halloween decorations. Even though I didn't celebrate Halloween it was very interesting to see all the skeletons and witches they made. The first thing I saw them make was three human sized witches standing around a pile of sticks that acts as a bonfire, they also added broomsticks a few days after. They put up cobwebs all over their deck and fence then later hanged up a fake hairy spider.  Standing in their doorway was a skeleton and a zombie but this wasn't even the day of Halloween. On the actual day of Halloween they made a pipe into a candy chute and they also stuck up a contact tracer for Covid 19. I saw loads of people going in to their house for trick or treating collecting candy with their parents. 

Thursday, October 28, 2021

My dog story

 After going through my old writings I came across my dog writing prompt it seemed quite interesting so I decided to share it on my blog.    -->  Story

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

My symmetry patterns

 Today for math we had to make patterns for the different types of symmetry I used google drawings and I think I did pretty good considering it didn't take me too long to make.

                                                                     My patterns

My reading tasks

 Today my reading tasks were also related kaitiakitanga we had to read a journal for information to answer the questions.

                           the journal if you want to check it out.

                           My answers to the questions Answers

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

my kaitiakitanga article

 Today for writing we had to write a persuasive article about respecting the earth I found this task nice and I hope you like my article.

Here is the link ---> link

An empty airport

 On Saturday my grandmother died very suddenly, my dad was devastated and he  immediately booked plane tickets to Taiwan, unfortunately I was not able to go because I had no vaccine and because the prices were to high.  Only my dad went to Taiwan but when we were saying goodbye to him at the airport it was very empty the whole car park had less than thirty cars. When my sister and I peeked in to the airport from the window we realised there was no queue to the baggage claim at all. When we left the airport and went home my dad called us to show us how all the restaurants and gift shops were closed only a small cafe remained open with customers. My dad brought us along and when we got to security we got put in the tray and I saw pitch black, there wasn't much to see in the tray machine. When it was time for my dad to board the plane. He had to go on a bus because the ramp wasn't open and he had to climb steps up the plane.  After my dad landed in Singapore to change flights he said Singapore had more stores open to the public. Right now my dad is still in Singapore waiting to board his next flight he will get to Taiwan at six at night today and go straight to his managed isolation facility. 

Thursday, October 21, 2021

My writing prompt

 This week for writing we had to write about a picture of a boat at sea I wrote about  a girl on a island. 

                                                                              Press here --->  The story

Checking out new buildings.

 A few days ago my mum and I went out for a walk to our neighborhood mall to take a sneak peek at the new Costco that looks almost finished. While we were there we also went on a road we had never been on before it was the complete opposite to the other side of the road. The left side road was like a farm covered in flowers and the right side was factories creating materials to build houses.

After strolling for a while we decided to turn back to our car since the sun was setting. While trying to find our way back to where we parked I pretended I was a tour guide just to irritate my mum. But she was fine with it so my plan failed. While I was leading the way back to the car I walked on to the wrong street so we had to turn back and walk even more until five minutes later I finally spotted the car parked alongside the road. 

After walking so much sitting on the car made my legs feel relaxed and when I went home I went to annoy my next target my sister.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

My symmetry slides

 For math this week we had to make slides about symmetry in the slides I also included objects from around my house that are symmetrical.

The slides

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

My two week holiday in lockdown

During my two week holiday in lockdown I couldn't travel anywhere so instead I decided to do some gardening. I have to say my garden looks like a jungle because before we didn't even have time to go down to take look or maybe we were just a little bit lazy. Anyways I did the garden work with my big sister I took us three whole days but we haven't even finished and now we don't have the time to finish. My sister and I also had a sleep over  which involved us sleeping on our carpet floor which was very comfortable in the first few minutes and very uncomfortable for the rest of the two days. Overall my lockdown holiday was very enjoyable and it was a pretty boring holiday.

Monday, October 18, 2021

First day of term four

 Today is the first day of term four after a long two week holiday in lockdown we finally are nearly at the end of the year. But the sad thing is we are still in lockdown so therefore I don't really feel a difference from the terms. I really hope that we can stop having lockdown because I want to be able to make it to my year six graduation. Since I already know that I got in to the intermediate that I really wished to go to I just want to enjoy the rest of my last months being in primary.  I think this term is probably going to be quite busy considering the fact we have spent a long time in lockdown. I'm actually kind of sad because I know for a fact that the choir will not be able to perform in the town hall. But all things aside I'm still enjoying the time I get to spend at home eating snacks.

Friday, October 1, 2021

Getting a Covid test

 Yesterday my mum decided I should get a Covid test just to be safe and also because she sometimes works at the swabbing centres.  My mum and I drove up to a swabbing drive thru. The workers used tablets to take down our information to contact us  if I have the virus. After waiting like half an hour I finally got to get tested I was kind of scared because I didn't want it to hurt but the nurse was very kind and she did it very fast. Overall it wasn't very painful but it was just uncomfortable and at the end I had one tiny tear drop at the side of my eye. But the good news is the test is negative so I don't have the virus.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

My Chinese zodiac animal

 This week for Chinese language week our challenge was to draw your own Chinese zodiac animal.  My zodiac animal is a tiger so I drew it on a piece of paper. Fun fact I actually have the same animal as my great grandma.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Chinese greetings

 Today my task for Chinese language week was to say some greetings in mandarin. 

Sorry I was a bit awkward.

Monday, September 27, 2021

Making dumplings

 Today for Chinese language week I made Dumplings. Though I think that dumplings aren't the only food that resembles the Chinese culture. But I think the teachers are just saying dumplings because you can't seem to make all of the Chinese dishes. Though I still think we should also be able to make different food that  Chinese people eat because after all it is a week for Chinese people.

Things I have learnt during the level 4 lock down

 During the level four lock down.

 I have learn't where  a annoying boy from my neighborhood lives. 

I have also gotten better at writing from creating lots of blog posts for people to enjoy. 

My cooking skills have improved and I can also make very delicious lemonade.

As well as learning how to cook I have learn't about how to stay resilient during lockdown and how to maintain a good attitude.

Overall my lock down has been quite smooth and I think having to experience some problems also makes life in lock down more interesting.

Thursday, September 23, 2021

A cooking challenge

 Today my challenge was to cook some food at home I did it by myself since the family members were busy and here are some pictures my dad took.  Also these were two times I cooked so that's why I'm wearing different clothing. Sorry about my strange  face expressions. 

My comfort monster

 Yesterday my school task was to make a monster that you would go to when you were upset we had to draw the monster  as well as make a comic out of it so here is a picture of my monster.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

My egg challenge

 Today my task was to make a outer covering for an egg so it doesn't crack. What I learn't from this experiment is that even if you make the outer covering very stable it still has a chance of cracking. For this experiment my dad guided me through what he thought was the best way to make a outer covering for the little round egg.  I used a zip lock bag, tissues, sponges, and rubber bands. Here is a video of my experiment.  

My Tongan week presentation

I know it's a bit late but a few weeks ago was Tongan language week but I forgot to share my presentation with you guys so here it is and please leave me a comment on how I can change it or whether I have any mistakes or not.

Monday, September 20, 2021

Calling family members

 So right now it is the mid Autumn festival which is celebrated in some Asian countries. My family is in Taiwan which also celebrates  the festival,  yesterday we called them to see what they were up to and it turned out they were having fun making moon cakes without us. They were also setting up for a barbecue in front of their house which in Taiwan is a tradition to do a barbecue in your driveway. It looked super exciting and made me want  to go back to Taiwan to celebrate with them. But instead I'm in New Zealand watching them have fun and eat lots of food. But though they are having fun I'm sure they probably wouldn't want to send us any moon cakes.

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Update on my life in lock down

 I've gotten quite used to lockdown now, but not just because of past experiences because of the lockdown we are having right now. It's a shame I don't live in another island in New Zealand   because otherwise I would be in school right now instead of watching rain fall down from my window at at home.  Other than the loneliness, distance learning is okay and it gives you an opportunity  to experience what it's like to be in a worldwide pandemic and in the future I'm sure you will still remember the time we had a world wide pandemic and had to go into lockdown.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

My story about an oat

 I couldn't give you guys access to the doc so I copy pasted the story I hope you like it .

Olly was an oat who loved his life. He successfully  went through all stages of growing  and now he is an oat living in a box of weetbix. Olly got along with everyone and was loved by everyone  so he thought his life could not possibly get better. Well he was right on that point, his life did not get better in fact it turned out to be a total disaster and I will talk about his disastrous life starting now.

On this day Olly was more excited than usual because he had a feeling in his gut something was going to happen. Like I said Olly did not expect his life to go any better because he was already living a dream but he never had a thought on whether his life could go wrong or not. He had a nightmare the night before but he thought nothing of it, the nightmare was about how everything that could possibly go wrong went wrong but he brushed it off and said “it’s just a dream”. Little did young Olly know this wasn’t just a dream and he was about to get hit with a lot of deja vu.

 Now Olly woke up the next  day to find his beloved teddy had been stolen, he cried all night and dreamed about his soft fluffy coating hoping teddy would come back. After a week he thought things had gotten better but boy was he wrong that was only the start of his bad luck.

 Later on in the day everyone in the box of weetbix were celebrating because they were the only box who were purchased off the shelf in countdown. While on  their ride to their new home expecting a welcome party Olly suggested that they should be extra nice and help set up what they thought would be a welcome party.

 But when they arrived they were confused and they thought where the surprise party was but they sat  patiently waiting in the box. Finally!  they all thought after feeling someone pick up the box to go into the house. Meanwhile inside the house the young lady carefully opened up the cardboard cereal box and cut open the packet. Every grain and oat cheered as loud as they could but the lady couldn't hear so they gave up, but instead of picking them up she poured them into a bowl and later on poured cold fresh milk on top of their heads. For everyone this was quite frightening but only Olly found it entertaining. He cheered for more milk while others looked him up and down as if they never even knew him. Suddenly out of nowhere plopped a silver spoon and it scooped Olly up and put him in a big chomper. Luckily he escaped while trying to realise that this wasn’t a dream. He ran outside the open window and prayed that his friends would be safe as well. Soon he couldn’t bear to stay anymore and leaped off the window frame into the great universe that he had never even taken a glimpse at before.

Not long after Olly had escaped he found himself lost, I mean who can blame him he had spent his whole life in a cardboard box.  But, he stayed resilient and kept walking until he arrived in a patch of grass. The insects living inside that patch of grass were all friendly and willing to take him in as a new friend and he gladly accepted and he continued the rest of his life in the patch of grass with his new friends never to see his old friends again.

                                                        The end                                                            by Priscilla


My Pepeha for today

 For Maori language week's second task I did Pepeha I hope you like it .

Monday, September 13, 2021

Learning a Maori Karakia

 Today for Maori language week I did a Screencastify  on myself saying a Maori Karakia which is basically a prayer before you eat.

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Tongan language week

 Today our reading activity was to go on a presentation that was talking about Tonga I chose to read about the Tongan flag. I also learn't that Christianity was introduced to Tonga from Europeans.


Monday, September 6, 2021

What if my soft toys came to life

 This week our writing task was on what would happen if our soft toys came to life so here is my writing.  I hope you like it and leave me a comment on how I can improve.  


Washing my fish tank

 Yesterday my sister and I washed our fish tank, we had to figure out a transportation system for the fish and we ended up putting the fish in a bucket. When I started to wash the blue chunky textured gravel from our fish tank. My sister and I got a whiff of a very stinky smell it smelt as if a whale farted into our bathroom. But I told my sister I would do it and she went on to wash our fish tank. After a while the water got really dirty so I decided that I would use a clear plastic cup to scoop up the dirty poo water and throw it outside. Meanwhile when I was outside my sister went to check on the gravel to find the sink had been unplugged, we quickly scooped up the gravel and brought it outside to wash when we were finished washing I suddenly saw a spider and my instincts were to kill it. So I threw a handful of gravel "oops"  I said as I slowly picked  up the tiny bits of gravel that had fallen onto the mossy  ground. 

                                         Update on my fish 

In one of my recent blog posts I talked about my pet fish, right.

 Well before I was washing the fish tank and transporting the fish I came to realize the fish really had gone missing I searched the gravel and the pots but it was nowhere to be seen so I guess we are left with three fish now. 

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Finding old soft toys

A few weeks ago I opened up a cupboard to see that there was a box. I dragged the box out of it's cold mysterious place and opened the box up. The contents of the box were my old childhood soft toys that I thought my parents had given away, I flipped around the old dusty toys and found the biggest bear I owned. It's face was still covered with the blue and green paint that I had splotched on his face when I was younger. Then I spotted my old hot pink purse, inside the purse held a little stack of cards and some hair ties. Though I wanted to take all my old toys out I figured it wouldn't really fit everywhere so I only took the mini stack of cards.

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Ups and downs of lock down

 Throughout lock down I have come to realize the ups and downs of lock down. 

Firstly I will talk about what is good about lock down. First of all you can eat any type of delicacy in your house like snacks or full course meals made by your family. Secondly you have no limit to the amount of food you can eat. Thirdly you are able to do things that you normally are not able to do during school breaks.

What I don't like about lock down. Firstly, you can not meet any of you're friends in person and if you don't have their contact you will feel very lonely, especially if you are a only child. Next a lot of school activities most likely will not go on like the APPA choir festival because of the mass gathering. Also, it is kind of hard to concentrate when all the work you do is on a device and if you have a bad internet connection  you would not be able to do any work apart from activities that don't require internet.

I hope you agree with me and leave me a comment on how I can work on this.

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

The storm during the night

 Late into the evening last night there was howling strong winds that destroyed everything in their sight. The clothes that I had hung up just a day before have been blown to the ground with dirt piled upon them.  The lightning lit up the street like it was day time, meanwhile the thunder boomed like a monster.  Although it was a very interesting sight my sister and I headed off to bed whilst listening to the trees getting swayed in the wind.

Monday, August 30, 2021

observing my fish

 During lock down right now each day I've been observing my pet fish. When we first purchased the fish we had five but one of the fish died so now we are left with four.

 Not long after, my dad went to a freshwater beach and and got some plants. On the plants were some small sea snails that we accidentally took home and now are keeping as pets as well. 

In our fish tank right now there are the marine plants and a pot for the fish but recently I haven't been able to spot one of the few fish. I look at my fish tank every day to check whether another one of my fish died or it is hiding in the small mint coloured pot.

 Though I always wonder where the fish went my dad says it is just hiding. I do believe in my dad because he studied marine animals before but I still have a feeling in my gut that I only have three fish left.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

The daily walk around my neighborhood

 In the mornings I normally go on a short walk with my sister if she is not busy. We normally choose the same route we go on but yesterday we went on a different route that we hadn't gone on for a long time. When we headed that direction, my sister and I walked halfway and  started to make our way back home when I discovered a pathway in the bushes.  So we went in and it wasn't much of a surprise because it was the same park up the road of our house. Though it was disappointing  I still found a faster alternative to go home.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

My changed Goldilocks story

 A few days ago everyone in my class had to rewrite the Goldilocks story or make it into a play with a different ending so here is my changed Goldilocks story called brunette locks.  sorry about the size 

Monday, August 23, 2021

The strange egg sac beside my window

Today I found a gray sausage like thing dangling beside my bedroom window, it looked dotty and like a small chorizo sausage. I was afraid that it held spiders or a disgusting insect so I called for my dad, he was hesitant to come so I took his phone and clicked a few photos of the sac. I brought the new photos to present to my dad and he took a long look, finally coming to realize that it was a moth chrysalis. I was relieved at the news but yet still disgusted it did not sound pleasing to me and I still don't want anything living beside my window.

Thursday, August 19, 2021

My Olympics digital learning object

 Today I made a Olympics slideshow on how the Olympics have changed throughout the years. 

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

The sudden lock down


The day started normally and ended normally until my teacher announced that we should all take our Chromebooks home, even the people who keep and charge their Chromebooks at school. Soon after that everyone started complaining and asking questions my teacher got fed up and told us that we might have  lock down and everyone was silenced. In the evening everyone watched the news and got a warning on  their phones that we were in level four so everything has changed now.

Monday, August 9, 2021

quality blog comments

Today Phil taught us how to make a quality blog post comment so the class each made a presentation on scratch. My project isn't finished but I would love to hear how I can work on it so please leave me a comment. You can press the the space key on your Chromebook or device to activate it. 


Thursday, August 5, 2021

my Olympic poster

 Today my class and I made posters to show our  research we researched about  the difference from the old Olympics and the new Olympics.

Friday, July 30, 2021

My holiday recount

 My holiday started really boring and was basically just like my normal  routine during the day. I would wake up look at my Chromebook, eat and sleep. Toward the end of my holidays I went on a road trip with my family. We traveled to Taupo on a rainy Wednesday afternoon. When we arrived at our destination we had  KFC  for dinner and went to sleep after watching television. The following morning we went to a delicious pie shop then made our way to our next stop. We went on a boat around lake Taupo for an hour and went on a geothermal walk. Soon after that we drove to Rotorua and went to the place where there are skylines. At that place we  rode luges also known as go-karts. After three days of vacation we made our way home and took a long nap.

Friday, July 9, 2021

Recap on term 2

 The term two has gone really fast so I'm going to reflect on what  happened this term. When the term started we had our wonderful student teacher Mrs Matenga,  she helped us with science experiments including the bee and  water experiment.  On the last week of her practicum she held a celebration, though I was not there to celebrate with the class. In term two we also had a fale launch where the student leaders taught their house group chants and they walked around the school shouting out their chants. Following the fale launch we also had a shade sail opening where our turf and shade was blessed. Much earlier than the fale opening was when we created our own murals. We paper mached our New Zealand native birds and now it's on display in our school  corridor. For Anzac day we made silhouettes of the men who served in the army with cinquain poems at the back with poppies.      

Thursday, July 8, 2021


  A few weeks ago Jeanne and Khaleed helped to make soup with Room 11. My class gathered together along with two other  classes. The soup was made from tomatoes, chickpeas, celery ,coriander and lentils  .It was a soup that was enjoyed by muslims during ramadan. As soon as it was finished cooking all the students immediately rushed on the mat and sat patiently trying to be the first to get soup. The teachers got soup as well it was so good that students kept coming back for seconds even thirds

Being safe on the internet

The class has been learning how to be safe on the internet, and being safe with what we share, with Phil we all made pick a paths or posters.

The story of Matariki

 Today my friend Diana and I made a slide animation on Matariki . If you didn't know what Matariki is than I can tell you Matariki is when there is a cluster of seven stars in the earths atmosphere . It also means the starting of the Maori new year and Diana and I are going to share a myth about Matariki on our animation.

Friday, June 25, 2021

Tuakana teina day

 On Tuesday the  majority of teachers went on courses so we had a mixture of  junior kids in our classes. We started the day with just-dance , then other classes joined our just dance mix up. After just dance we had  our  morning tea and soon after we went to the library. The junior classes also came with us so we ended the library trip with buddy reading. When  the whole class came back into the room we started planning how to make Matariki stars, my little buddy was a girl called Giselle which I shared with a classmate called Olivia. Finally we ended the day with beautiful stars which were put up in each of our classes. 

Friday, June 18, 2021

Water experiment

 On Wednesday morning we did a science experiment . We were observing on how much acid or alkaline is in different types of water . My specific group got chosen to do  the sickbay tap water , after all the  groups got their types of water we each got handed a water tester. We dipped the stick of paper in the jar of water  , our result came out as six point five  which is acidic. Another groups result came out as seven, which is neutral, but the worst water out of all of the tests was the art sink tap water , it came out as six which was the most acidic out of all the water we tested . 

Thursday, June 10, 2021


 Today we tasted a panikeke which is a Samoan pancake . It had a  crispy outer layer which tasted delicious. When I bit into the panikeke I caught a strong scent of banana bread. It was as light as a cloud and also very fluffy. After I finished devouring it, it left a greasy layer of oil on my skin. But it washed off easily and did not bother me.

Thursday, June 3, 2021

My blog profile slide

 Today my class and I made slides with Phil about profiles and we learnt how we could introduce ourselves and make people want  to read our blogs. 

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Dead bee experiment

 This morning  my class and I did a science experiment about bees .Firstly the teacher showed us a video explaining the different jobs and species of  bees there are , afterwards we each got handed dead bees though I had to share with my buddy Diana . The species of bees we got handed was a honey bee worker but it was too small to investigate so we ended up using another groups queen bumble bee . When the group first opened their queen bumble bee we all got a whiff of a very stinky smell it was as stinky as rotten meat but after a while the smell slowly started to fade. The bee had hairy legs and a fluffy body , soon after , Diana and me  each started writing down our observations on our worksheets  and we learnt where the thorax was located on the bees body.

Friday, May 28, 2021

Some facts about me

                                           Hi my name is Priscilla and I'm a year 6 from New Windsor school .

                                          I have an older sister and my family is from a country called Taiwan .

                                                 I really like eating fruits such as mandarins  and oranges .

                                                    The pets that I own are 4 fishes and three sea snails .

                                              My favourite type of sport is badminton and I also play piano .