Thursday, September 16, 2021

Update on my life in lock down

 I've gotten quite used to lockdown now, but not just because of past experiences because of the lockdown we are having right now. It's a shame I don't live in another island in New Zealand   because otherwise I would be in school right now instead of watching rain fall down from my window at at home.  Other than the loneliness, distance learning is okay and it gives you an opportunity  to experience what it's like to be in a worldwide pandemic and in the future I'm sure you will still remember the time we had a world wide pandemic and had to go into lockdown.


  1. I agree. It is hard to not feel lonely in lockdown. But you are right! Other countries are going through the exact same thing (with even longer lockdowns) so we are participating in a part of history.

    I love how you have described watching the rain fall down your window. It helps set the mood of your writing.

  2. Hi Priscilla

    Aww thanks for the update.. Sometimes I think people are really enthusiastic about keeping in touch in the beginning of lockdown but as the weeks go past we don’t seem to know as much. So it’s nice to know you’re still chugging along.

    Do you think this could become the new norm? Like with everything evolving and mutating, it’s probably likely new virus will pop up every few years.. I don’t know, maybe I just need to shhh lol

    Keep up the great blogging

  3. Why would you be lonely when you have me? I know your lying because you don't like school, you only like binge-watching k-dramas. 😘✌
