Monday, October 18, 2021

First day of term four

 Today is the first day of term four after a long two week holiday in lockdown we finally are nearly at the end of the year. But the sad thing is we are still in lockdown so therefore I don't really feel a difference from the terms. I really hope that we can stop having lockdown because I want to be able to make it to my year six graduation. Since I already know that I got in to the intermediate that I really wished to go to I just want to enjoy the rest of my last months being in primary.  I think this term is probably going to be quite busy considering the fact we have spent a long time in lockdown. I'm actually kind of sad because I know for a fact that the choir will not be able to perform in the town hall. But all things aside I'm still enjoying the time I get to spend at home eating snacks.


  1. Kia ora Priscilla. I'm glad you're able to find some positives about being at home at the moment. Have you found any cool ways of staying connected with your classmates online?

    1. Hi Phil thank you for commenting,
      The way my class communicates with each other is using our class discussion.
