Monday, August 9, 2021

quality blog comments

Today Phil taught us how to make a quality blog post comment so the class each made a presentation on scratch. My project isn't finished but I would love to hear how I can work on it so please leave me a comment. You can press the the space key on your Chromebook or device to activate it. 



  1. Morena Priscilla, you've done a good job so far. Perhaps you could make it more natural movements and add more sprites.
    Good luck.
    From Anna

    1. Thank you for the comment and Ii will try to work on it.

  2. Great Job Your Scratch Project sounds scared me and the class said What the ! :]

  3. Hi Im Ayla from Belfast School i think you could maybe put him/her in a cave ad maybe make some more of him/her it will look very cool if you do that. Why did you decide to make you presentation about a monster with a smiley face on it.I liked the way you put a link on how to get onto scratch and i love the way i can just tap the flag and he/her will turn into a monster.
    good luck!
    _Ayla From Belfast School
