Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Some strange egg looking things on my door

 On my glass sliding front door there is a bunch of eggs? they are tiny and white and I'm literally so scared of bugs so um I don't know how to get rid of them. My dad who normally catches the bugs is in Taiwan and my mum and my sister are also scared of bugs. I'm guessing/hoping that the eggs are infertile because boy I don't want to know what will hatch out of the eggs like eww.   It is a bit blurry


  1. Keep us updated on if the eggs are infertile or not please.

  2. Hi Grace I definitely will.Though it may give me heeby jeebys

  3. I wonder what is in those eggs ?.

  4. Kia ora Priscilla. What an interesting thing to post on your blog. Maybe if you could get a clearer picture someone might recognise them? Or maybe you could do some searching online to see if you can work it out. I found a spider's web in my garden that had hundreds of baby spiders in it!

    1. Hi Phil if those eggs contain spiders I probably wouldn't be as calm as you.

  5. Hi Priscilla.
    Wow! What a amazing discovery! Once I found a bit of white stuff on a leaf with a ladybug. I thought it was an egg but it was actually something else...

  6. Hey Priscilla, keep us updated if you find out what's in those eggs! What do you think is inside of each egg?

  7. Hi Priscilla,
    I Hope Its not any bugs or anything, But there is a chance of them being birds to. Do you have a plan if the egg hatches with spiders?

    1. I hope it doesn't hatch as anything and It's just seeds.
