Friday, November 12, 2021

Schools opening

This week the government announced that we are going back to school I have mixed feelings about the fact but anyways. I don't want to go back to school I might sound babyish but it is true I like eating warm lunches instead of cold sandwiches and since when we are in school we won't be able to have the air conditioning on because of Covid. I will probably get a heat stroke with a mask on as well I want to stay at home and eat do work have the air con on and wake up late. 

I also want to go back to school so it is like half and half. I want to go back to school to graduate, to receive the awards that I worked hard for and to celebrate my birthday in peace outside of my home. 
I probably am going to school Idk but at least I can return my library books, they are probably long overdue.


  1. Hi Priscilla

    If you come back to school I can wave to you from across the court!

    I have missed reading your blog entries. I like that you have used paragraphs too! It looks like you may be ready for year 7!

    Maybe you could have included a picture of your warm lunches so that we can u swear and why you don’t want to go back!

    Maybe see you soon?

    1. Hi Marleen I have been told by my parents that I most likely will return to school.

  2. Hi Priscilla,
    Yes I agree with you 100%. We all have mixed feelings. It will be great to see you again.
    Say hi to Eunice.

    1. Hi Mrs Fernandes Thanks for commenting I'll make sure to say hi to Eunice for you.
