Thursday, September 23, 2021

A cooking challenge

 Today my challenge was to cook some food at home I did it by myself since the family members were busy and here are some pictures my dad took.  Also these were two times I cooked so that's why I'm wearing different clothing. Sorry about my strange  face expressions. 


  1. Yea I have to agree that your facial expressions are pretty strange. Remember to keep your back straight for the photo next time.

  2. Great work at cooking! Those look awesome, I hope it taste as good as it looks. Also, what were you making? is it something new you are cooking or something you have done before.

    1. Hi Chloe I was actually making some food that people eat in Taiwan. I don't know what on of them is called but I know I also made fried rice.

  3. Hi Pricilla,
    What food did you cook? They all look really good!Are they vegetarian?
